Jumat, 21 Februari 2014

Masa depan indonesia ada di genggaman kita

Dalam hitungan beberapa hari kedepan negara kita tercinta Indonesia akan menentukan  cita2nya, menggantungkan harapan pada siapa yang memimpinnya.

Yang salah tetap akan kalah, tapi kita yang jelata tidak boleh lengah & pasrah.

Tenaga & pikiran yang lemah tetap harus diasah.

Mungkin ini jalan cahaya dari segala kekacauan yang ada.

Bantu juga dengan do'a untuk mereka yang telah bekerja.

Menyimak berbagai media kian ramai  dengan atribut partai yang melahirkan calon2 pemimpin anyar.

Tak gentar sorak sorai segala hal pengorbanan dilakukan agar mudah dikenal khalayak ramai.

Tak kalah muda mudi yang berprestasi ikut mendominasi.

Ingin mendapatkan posisi yang bisa dikuasai. Untuk bisa mengabdi kepada ibu pertiwi, agar tak lagi berlara hati.

Rakyatpun sesungguhnya sudah tak sabar menanti perubahan untuk masa depan yang gemilang.

Pergunakan hak anda dengan lapang, pastikan pilihan sudah tergambar. Agar mereka dapat bekerja tepat sasaran.

Selasa, 18 Februari 2014

Habibie Fever

Annyong haseo minna! :D

Such as time, I lately Habibie fever.Who does not know the figure Habibie??? Of the Film "Ainun Habibie" Sad and dramatic film took the love story of the first and last Mrs.Ainun and Mr.Habibie. To three Indonesian president.

Bacharudin Jusuf Habibie (Image by ; Google)

I dont really like movie Indonesia. Given the groove and the end of the story that is predictable, so feel boring. But this film is not based on a book written. This film removed from real life a Habibie. Yeaaa, He is the former Indonesian president's third. Many lessons that can be taken from him life. I never get tired of watching and always make me cry. You may also!.. huuuuuhu... :'( when i was a primary school, on tenure I just know Habibie as vice president Republik Indonesia.

Some time ago I watch of the talk shows Mata Najwa with theme "Habibie Hari ini". I know more who actually Habibie!make me more like him. Mr.Habibie born in Pare-pare, 25 June 1936. Now 77 years old.

Mrs. Ainun has been passed away. Mr Habibie felt he had lost half of his so.

The following several Mata Najwa interview with Mr. Bacharudin Jusuf Habibie!!

-What kind of figure Habibie??

Adrie Subono-Nephew of Mr.Habibie (Image from mata najwa )

"Always establish a relationship, respect for the elderly, never stop working for the nation"


Dato Anwar Ibrahim-former deputy prime minister of malaysia (Image from mata najwa)

"Very simple look,like family,uniq,& smart speech"

Profile of Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie :

image from mata najwa

"BJ Habibie is Holder of 46 patents world in the field of aviation technology"

Nb : He made plane for transportation Indonesia, because Indonesia has many islands
image from mata najwa

First came to Germany just a received salary Rp.180.000,-/ DM 800

image from mata najwa

2/3 of salary pay rent small pavilion in the town city aachen

image from mata najwa

when mrs. Ainun passed away 22 May 2010 every time sleeping
Habibie always wear white scraf and mukena last used ainun.

I always feel excited when I heard him speak. 
He read again oath for Indonesia when sick ;

Terlentang,jatuh, perih, kesal
Ibu pertiwi engkau pegangan
Janji pusaka & sakti
Tanah tumpah darahku
Makmur & suci
Hancur badan tetap berjalan
Jiwa besar & suci
Membawa aku padamu
Padamu Indonesia

Although many pro contra, when the president stopped for 517 days he remain grateful, because can execute the mandate according to his ability..  He is true technocrats, politicians romantic.

Else about him please watch the movie!

Thanks to Mr.Bacharudin Jusuf Habibie has given inspiration indonesian people.Indonesia may still have hope.

Warms regard keep spirit ^^